Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Two Boys

That's right, we are having twin boys!
I'd be curious to know who the two were that voted for two boys!

We had a doctors appointment yesterday and found out we are having two boys. I asked the doctor if he could tell if they were identical or fraternal. (Here's a little information on twins: If they are fraternal twins they would for sure have their own placentas. However if they are identical twins, depending on the day the egg split, they can either have their own placentas or they can share one. Each twin having their own placenta is the best, because it creates fewer problems with them having to share items in the womb. I know already a problem and they aren’t even born yet. :-)) Because they are two boys, they could still be fraternal twins, but there is a chance they could be identical too. When the Dr. looked he couldn't quite tell if they had separate placentas or not. The placentas are either really close together or they are sharing a placenta but have their own amniotic sacs. He finally decided to say that they each have their own placentas because that is the best case scenario and we are hoping for the best. So we will have to wait until they are born to find out if they are identical or fraternal twins.


Wilde Things said...

Two boys! Yahoo! I'm so excited for you!

Teandra said...

By the way, I voted for two boys. The last two sets of twins born that I know have been boys, plus I married an identical twin boy...yay!

Lisa Erskine said...

How exciting! Boys are so much fun! You and Mike are going to be great parents!!

Jenny said...

Yeah! So exciting! I am very happy for you guys! Boys are so much fun.... Congrats!

Val said...

I want you to know I voted for 2 boys! I just had a feeling. Congrats. BOYS BOYS BOYS

Marrdy said...

I didn't vote for boys. I did the one of each. I have twin sisters and twin brother & sister. Two boys would be awesome. Congrats!

Thekrogwoman said...

I voted two girls!! I totally thought I was right! Guess not!! Yay, I'm so excited for you! That is so so awesome! Congrats!

Nicole M said...

No way! I hung out with Jeni Child the other day and she told me you were having twins!! I couldn't believe exciting. Congratulations!

Chelle said...

Hooray! You're gonna be a busy momma! Boys are very energetic...keeps you feeling young but gives you gray hair anyway:) Congrats!