Caleb: 6 Days Old

We finally got the results back for Caleb on the Hemophilia. His doctor said that his factor level came back in the normal range, it was 126 and we've been told that any level between 56 and 191 are normal. He has been doing so well and didn't have any bruising or problems with all the tubes and wires they have put in/on him, that we figured he didn't have hemophilia, but it was nice to get the reassurance. He has also been eating like a champ, today he was alert and awake during all the feedings I gave him. I'll have to tell him to give some tips to his brother. :-) He is in an isolette because he can't seem to keep his body temperature up, but that will come with a little more growth. They checked his bilirubin levels today and they are a little high, but they decided to hold off on putting him under the lights and are going to check his levels again tomorrow.
Today when we went to visit Owen they were planning on removing his IV later that day, but they ended up doing it while we were there because he was doing so well. This is great because 1. it means he is improving and 2. it will be much easier to love him without that tube getting in the way. They also plan on taking him out of his warmer bed and putting him in a normal crib (no more naked baby, he gets big boy clothes). They will monitor him tonight to see if he can keep his body temperature up.
Mike and I are doing well. My dad is out of town this week, so we decided to stay at his house for the week, since it is closer to both hospitals. Mike went back to work today. We decided that it would be best if he went back to work for the week or two while our boys are in the hospital and then take the time off when they come home. He works about 5 minutes from the IMC, which is great, because he will be able to visit Owen every day. Today during his lunch he came over while I was there and we were able to spend some time together feeding and loving Owen.
My schedule has been a little crazy and I'm sure it will stay that way until these boys are home and then it will probably only get worse. However I think I'm adjusting pretty well. I spend the first half of the morning at Alta View with Caleb feeding him and giving him lots of love and then I head over to IMC around 10:30 where I do the same with Owen, until mid-afternoon. Then it is back over to Alta View for some more Caleb time and then home for a little rest. Around 9:00 we head up to Alta View for one last visit with Caleb so that Mike can see him. It is a crazy schedule but we love these guys and are having so much fun having them in our family that we can't seem to stay away. :-)
I am so glad to hear that they are doing better. Hopefully they come home soon.
Best of luck! Thanks on all the updates. Let me know if you need anything.
So glad to hear the boys are doing good. Caleb looks so alert in his photo (such big eyes) I love it.
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