Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Four Weeks Old

The boys are four weeks old today. It has been a fun, crazy ride so far. We are grateful they are in our lives and that they are home and healthy. Today was my first day at home by myself with both of them and we all survived. Ha. Actually it wasn't too bad, I just followed our normal routine, eat, sleep, diaper change, eat, sleep, diaper change, etc... (you get the picture) and it turned out fine. I did throw in some tummy time and baths to mix things up a bit and I think everyone had a good time. :-)


Caitlin said...

yea! i'm glad it went well. what a ride you've been on already. i hope it keeps going well!

Wilde Things said...

Glad things are going well.
Love you all!

Val said...

You are super mom! I'm so glad that it went well yesterday. You have two little angels.

Kristin Anderson said...

4 weeks and I still haven't seen them yet? Something's very wrong.

Mike and Amy said...

Isn't it so much fun? We are so happy for you and Mike, and we're so glad they're both home and healthy. We can't wait to see all of you when you're up to it!! :)

sunnyside said...

Okay, they are sooooo cute! Congrats, Slades!