Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Being a Mom of Twins

I know I'm just barley getting into this whole motherhood thing and maybe my opinion will change as the boys get older and life gets more busy and more crazy, but right now I enjoy being a mom of twins. Here is the deal. When I was pregnant I read all these books about how hard twins would be, how I was going to need all this help, and how life would just be crazy and chaotic for the first while. And while it has been nice to have people come over and watch the boys while I get out for a few hours and when both babies are crying and I'm the only one home, it does feel crazy and chaotic, I also feel like it really hasn't been that bad. I feel like I was overly prepared, because when we brought the boys home, both Mike and I said, "this doesn't seem so bad, we can do this." Sure everything takes twice as long and sometimes when I get up in the middle of the night to do a feeding, I think of how nice it will be when there is only one child to feed and I can go to bed after the first feeding instead of having to do the whole routine a second time, but since these are our first, I don't know any different, so we just make it work. Maybe it's because we have good boys, maybe I was so overly prepared for the worst and when we finally got them home, it didn't seem that bad and maybe it's because Mike has been so good with the boys and is such a great helper. Whatever the case may be I feel blessed to be a mom and enjoy having these two little babies in my life.


Tonii said...

or're just freakin' amazing!! :) And all those other things too! You guys are naturals, I am so happy things have gone so smoothly. Lets plan a date night soon, we miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tonii! But in my opinion its always better to be over prepared then realize your gonna make it then be unprepared and be so stressed out your screaming for help by the end of the day! :)

Val said...

Wow are you super MOM or what! I do think that you are an amazing mother and Mike is an awesome Dad. Your boys are so lucky to have you two as parents.

Chelsi said...

I have to say...that was a darling post!!!! You are quite the mamma!!! Babies are really the GREATEST blessing, and you are blessed twice with two of the cutest boys!

Gina said...

I feel the same. The books are very heavy on this going to be "THE HARDEST THING." Maybe you and I should co-author a book about how this "twin thing" isn't all the bad and hard and in fact is fun and enjoyable. I, having done one alone, do admit it is a lot more work than one. I have that EXACT feeling about dreaming about how great it would be to go to bed after the first feeding, knowing I have to start the whole routine again. But, having two is twice the joy. Maybe we should just keep this our little secret though. It is so much better being told how amazing we are all the time! HA

Chelle said...

You were born to be a cute's in your genes! O, the pictures of your die for! Love them. Sounds like motherhood agrees with you! Congratulations!!!

Mindi B said...

Hey Sue, it's Mariah's sister-in-law. I love this post!!! What a great mom you are. I have really enjoyed reading all about your sweet little boys! I'll have to come see them sometime :)