Monday, May 16, 2011

Almost 19 Months Old

The boys are almost 19 months old. I took them into the Dr. last week for their 18 month check up and everything looked good.
Here are their stats:
Owen weighed 29.4 lbs (88th percentile). And he is 35 inches tall (97th percentile).
Caleb weighed 28.6 (82nd percentile). And he is also 35 inches tall.
Neither of them are saying much still, but Owen can wave and say "bye", which is pretty cute. They love playing outside and their favorite show to watch is Sesame Street.




Playing on the step

Playing with one of their cars.


Gina said...

They are big dudes. My girls are trying to hold 22 pounds each. Just remember when they were all a few pounds each and being warmed in incubators. Crazy stuff!

Deena said...

Such little cuties!!