Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Ok, I have a confession to make. I haven't been putting all my time to “good use", like I claimed in my last post. I actually have been wasting a lot of time on Facebook too. I just can't help myself. I mean it has been so cool reconnecting with old high school, college, mission friends, etc... I even found an old pen pal from England that I used to write to and even visited one summer when I was in middle school. So if you don’t already have enough things draining all your time, you should join facebook. And don’t forget to invite me to be your friend. :-)


The Leithead Family said...

What on earth? Add me. I can't find you. (I'm lazy too. But there have to be waaay more Slades than Leitheads.)

Thekrogwoman said...

Yeah, I agree, facebook is totally addicting. But watch out...it's really easy to get a virus. I got a virus using facebook. It crashed my laptop!! It's good to connect with people, but stay away from all the other useless crap it has on it.