Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fun Stories about the boys.

Owen walks around sometimes with his hands behind his back. Mike calls him the little Emperor. I guess Jim (Grandpa Slade) did the same thing when he was a little boy.

The other day when it was nice outside I left our sliding glass door open. The boys were playing outside on the steps that lead to the patio and the drapes were blowing in and out of the door. A little later, I heard both of them giggling and I looked over and Owen had come inside and was moving the drapes back and forth (like peak-a-boo) playing with Caleb. It was really cute.

Owen was jealous when Mike was holding another baby. He went over and held onto his legs and was whining for Mike to pick him up.

We have just decided to leave our little vacuum in the kitchen, I know real classy, because the boys make such a mess when they eat and it is just easier to vacuum them up. Well they both love putting the nozzle against their mouth when the vacuum is on. They get all smiley and want to hold it themselves and pull it on and off their mouths.

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