Thursday, November 6, 2008

Free Chicken is totally worth it!

So if any of you were outside last night, hopefully you were at home snug in a toasty bed, but if you weren't, you know how cold it was, a freezing 28 degrees. Well me and a group of dedicated chicken lovers braved the weather and slept out in the West Jordan Chick Fil A parking lot so that we could each get ourselves 52 free combo meals. Some of you may be saying to yourself didn't she already do this once, and the answer is "yes" at the South Jordan grand opening of Chick Fil A, so for a similar account of our experience last night, you can read about it here, just remember it was about 30 degrees colder. However there were a few difference between last time and this time and here they are.
This time I was joined by the regulars, my brother and sister-in-law, Brian and Pam Slade, but some newbies joined us too, my husband, Mike (so together we got 104 coupons, a value of over $500), my sister, Mariah, her husband, Nick and my older brother, William. A lot more people must have been aware of this Grand Opening because the line reached 100 people by 6:30pm and at the South Jordan grand opening the 100th person didn't check in until around 10:00pm. Because of the unexpected crowds we were on the phone telling everyone to rush over or they weren't going to get a spot, luckily everyone made it and the last one in our group to check in was #97.
The night and sleeping were the same, except for a lot, lot colder. I have to give a special shout out to Brian and Pam for keeping us from freezing. They let us sleep in their tent, use all the propane in their heaters and use their toe warmers. I would have frozen if it weren't for all that. Brian and Pam set up two tents, one had a couple of propane space heaters in it that kept it really warm, so we sat in there and talked and played card games until it was time for bed. In the other tent were our beds. We all snuggled up in our sleeping bags with blankets piled on top of us with our hats, scarves and gloves still on and tried to get some sleep.
In the morning we got in line and ran through the store cheering that it was finally open and glad to get our coupons. I had some cash on me and they asked who wanted to be the first customer, so I went up to the counter and ordered the first thing ever in the West Jordan Chick Fil A. They asked me to sign the dollar, so maybe they will hang it on and wall and I will be famous.
Anyway, hopefully these coupons will last longer than my other ones. I only have 4 coupons left from the South Jordan grand opening and it was less than 6 months ago.

Heidi, Brian and I trying to stay warm in the tent.

Willy is ready for Chick Fil A to be open!


Michelle Taft said...

SUCKA!!! You waited in line in the cold all night and then they got you to pay them money afterwards?:)

Wilde Things said...

You totally should have let us know . . . I wouldn't have been there. But Travis will be sad he missed another one.

Tara said...

That is awesome! So when are you guys taking us to lunch? j/k. I would have totally done that but I don't think it would have been possible with the little kiddies. Enjoy your chicken! That IS totally worth it!

Teandra said...

I remember you did this last year! My husband was going to go, but he didn't. He wouldn't have got anything though because he was only going to go at 3:00. Fun!

Val said...

You are so crazy! It was so cold. I am glad that you live these great adventures for me. If I wasn't in my current condition, I think I would of had to do this one with you. I am glad Mike did it with you!!!

Marrdy said...

You did this again?? You really are brave (or crazy).

Unknown said...

You guys must really love your chicken! How do you find out about these store openings?

Teandra said...

Hey can I get your guys' number? I need to talk to you about something. You can email it to me or call me 910-2898

Cassie L. said...

Oh my....I just don't even know how to respond!! We'd be happy to help you out with one of those 104 meals for dinner group :)

Emily said...

I gotta say I'm jealous! The kids and I go there about once a week. I can't wait for a grand opening out my way.

Chelle said...

I just had to check you blog to see if you've written about the Twilight movie yet. Still waiting for your take on the whole thing...

sunnyside said...

When do I get to go to Chick Filet? I am still waiting for my invite!