Thursday, March 3, 2011


We've noticed for a some months now that one of Caleb's eyes seems to wander when he looks at things far away. I called back in November to schedule an appointment and final, today, we went in to see the pediatric ophthalmologist. It turns out he has a condition called exotropia. What that is exactly is "a noticeable outward deviation of the eyes". The doctor said that it can require surgery, but there are some other treatments that he wanted to try first. He has prescribed that Caleb where a patch over his eye every day for two hours for two months and then we will go back in for an appointment and see if his eye has gotten any better. I tried putting the patch over his eye today and he did not like it one bit. It took him about  a minute to rip it off. I have a few ideas on how I can keep it on, so wish me luck.
Yes, he looks like a pirate with the patch on and yes I will post a picture when I get one. :-)


Val said...

My neighbors little boy wore the patch and it finded the condition. I hope that it works!

Gina said...

So sorry to hear. It is always tough to find out hard news. Hopefully the patch will take care of it. Gabby wore an eye patch for a "lazy eye" about a year ago. I never actually noticed the lazy, it was merely not working well. Our trick for the patch was to color it and put stickers on it. Probably more of a distraction for a one year old though. Good luck, girl!