Tuesday, August 25, 2009


My mom was an amazing gardener. She used to grow tomatoes, peppers, raspberries, strawberries, pumpkins etc.. and use them all as part of her food storage. I like fresh vegetables and fruit, so this year I thought I would try my hand at gardening. Here are the results.

I planted two tomato plants in my back yard. The suffered through a hail storm the beginning of June and I didn't think they were going to make it, so I didn't pay much attention to them much after that, but to my surprise when I went out last week, they had some tiny tomatoes on them. I haven't eaten any yet, so I'm not sure how they taste, but I'm so impressed that they grew. Granted they are the size of cherry tomatoes when they should be the size of a fist, but that is just a technicality. I mean who knows maybe next year I'll plant some again and with a little tender loving care I might be able to get enough to make me some fresh salsa.


Caitlin said...

Way to go Sue! You're mom is SO proud, I'm sure. I love all the projects you are doing, and the seemingly never ending energy. Good work!

The Leithead Family said...

Sue wins again! Imagine what your garden would be like if you actually watered and tended the plants. Sheesh! :)

Val said...

You are your mothers daughter! Such a homemaker!!! She taught you so well by example. I am so excited for Friday!!!!

sunnyside said...


Mike and Amy said...

Those are beautiful little tomatoes - and the perfect size to pick and pop right into your mouth!

Marrdy said...

Wow, good job. Eat those tomotoes they look so good!