Friday, December 18, 2009

Getting to know Owen Michael Slade

Owen is our first born. ;-) Since we were having two boys, we decided that each of us could pick a name we liked and Mike got to name Baby A, so Baby A became Owen. When Owen was born, he had some lung problems and had to stay in the NICU for 13 days. Despite that, he was still the first one home from the hospital and got to spend eleven days at home as the "only" child.

His likes: Wiggling out of his clothes while he sleeps, laying in your arms and looking up at your face, swinging in the swing, getting burped, grunting mightily and sleeping with a night light on.

His dislikes: Having a stuffy nose, waiting his turn to eat, sleeping on his left side, and tummy time.


Mariah said...

Super sweet!

Gina said...

Ok. So Mike not only picked one name, he also got his first and middle name in there with both the boys. This means you MUST have a girl and you are fully in charge of that name. HA

Cute Owen. Good to meet you, too.

Mike said...

I just have to clear up for the record that I had nothing to do with the middle names of either boy. My only contribution was Owen.