Friday, June 4, 2010


Nicknames: Bug, KK.
He just got two bottom teeth and he slobbers a TON.
Can roll over on his tummy, but after a while will start to cry. He knows how to roll back over onto his back, but he doesn't. Most of the time he just cries until Mike or I flip him back over.
Loves to jump and stand up in his exersaucer.
He is close to being able to sit on his own. He can sit for a few seconds on his own, but then he topples over.
The boys are sleeping in separate cribs now. They are sleeping through the night from about 7:30pm to 6:30am. Mike is a great husband and gets up with them in the morning.
One thing that I love that Caleb does, is if he is sad and has been crying and I pick him up, the first thing he does is he puts his mouth on my shoulder blade and cries into it for a few seconds.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Aghhh!!!! You are killin' me. Eleven straight hours of sleep? And to bed at 7:30? That is way too good. I gotta admit that I am jealous. My girls are more like 10:00-10:30 and up at 6:00, but I always give binkies a few times and don't get up until 7:00ish.

Fun to hear his updates.