Monday, June 14, 2010

Trip to St. George

Mike called me Thursday afternoon and asked if I would like to go to St. George for the weekend. Yes, Please! Since it is almost the middle of June and still not hot enough from me, plus I love anything and everything about St. George, I started packing. I've heard stories about how bad it is vacation with kids and how much stuff they need, but I didn't think it was that bad. Yes for our family of four we used all the space available in our Pilot, but we need that much stuff at home, so what's the difference!?!
The boys traveled pretty well about 30 mins out of St. George Owen started to have a melt down, but Caleb slept right through it. We took lots of naps (well the babies did) went swimming and shopping, ate at our favorite restaurant (The Pizza Factory) and watched movies together.
Every time we went to the pool I forgot our camera. I got these smiling faces instead while we were at dinner. This about sums it up, we had a good time.


Rae said...

I am so happy you guys can have so much fun- Yikes!!! Are those teeth I see?????
What happy, adorable faces!!!!!

Gina said...

Vacation? That is brave of you. So fun. Those smiling faces are so cute.

Tara said...

Good for you for not being too intimidated to take 2 babies on a road trip to St. George! I took mine when Jarom was a baby, Kenz was 2 or 3, and I was DREADING it. They were totally fine, too. So yeah, you never know, way to get out there and have some fun!

Chelle said...

OH! They are so big and beautiful! I'm glad your St. George vacay was swell!!! I thought of your sweet mom on her b-day! I'm sure she is all smiles looking upon you and your fam!