Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sister vs. Elder

So Mike and I have this ongoing bet of whose missionary homecoming talk is better. (Until recently I thought we were going to have to wait until we got to heaven to resolve this.) We both claim to have 1. brought most of the congregation to tears 2. received many, many compliments from ward members and 3. were asked to give the talk numerous times afterwards to different wards in the stake. Mike said he used note card for his talk, so there is no text copy of it. I wrote mine out word for word, so we do have a text copy, but it doesn’t do the talk justice, you can’t hear the emotion or feel the power coming from me while I’m speaking, so we could never be quite sure whose talk was better. However, today while I was looking in my mom’s closet, I found a tape labeled Suzie’s Homecoming Talk. Boy was I excited. I’m going to play it for Mike, so we can once and for all put this to rest. When he hears this talk, he is not going to be able to argue anymore. It has spirituality, comedy, heart-wrenching stories about faith and love, poems, quotes by famous church members and so much more. It is going to be so awesome, oh I can’t wait to rub it in his face.

PS. As I said, a text copy doesn’t do the talk justice but for those of you who are dying to read it, I can send you a copy. :-)


Teandra said...

THat's funny SUe! I didn't know you went on a mission! Where did you go? Did you know Mike before your mission?

Michelle Taft said...

awesome, you should totally upload it onto your blog.

Emily said...

Sure, go ahead and send me a copy. I was out of state for the original. Can't wait!

Wilde Things said...

I just want to know if the tape convinced him. Has he had a chance to listen and admidt you're the best?