Thursday, February 28, 2008

Anne of Green Gables Series

I have been reading the Anne of Green Gables series. When I was younger I loved watching the movies when they would play on PBS, but I never read the books, so while I was at the library I decided to pick up the first book. I have been listening to the first three books on audio book while I have been driving around town. Megan Follows, who plays Anne Shirley in the movies, reads the books. She makes the characters come alive, so I am really enjoying listening to them. I just finished book three and I went to check out book four on audio book and they don’t have it. I checked and the have all the rest of the books on audio book, but for some reason not book four. I decided to check the book out from the library and it just hasn’t been the same. I listened to the first three books in like a week and I am only a chapter into book four and I have already had it for 5 days. I’m thinking about just skipping to book five so I can get back to listening to Megan Follows read them. :-) I just thought it was really weird, that they have all the books on audio book except book four. Nevertheless, I am really enjoying the books, so if you haven’t read them I would definitely recommend them. That Anne Shirley is quite the character.


Tara Jayne said...

because I'm an English Major (and a nerd) I decided with my roommate one semester to read all the Anne of Green Gables books over Christmas break. We kind of had a competition about who could get through them all. I ended up reading one more than she did, so I guess I won, but I'd agree with you that they are awesome books. Never did get the books-on-tape ...

Wilde Things said...

I never did get the books-on-tape either. But oh, I remember the books. I loved them! I think we use to have all of them. My dad started us out by reading Anne of Green Gables to us, then I think we all gradually read the rest on our own. Over Christmas or Thanksgiving Break, PBS was showing them again. And, I still get embarrased for Anne everytime she get around Gilbert. Awe . . . what awesome characters! L. M. Montgomery was a great writer. Maybe I should re-read them again, I've been looking for something good to read for a while. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I love the Anne of Green Gables books. My girls also love watching the movies. What a fun idea to read a childhood clasic.