The other day I received a letter in the mail from Dixie College asking me to donate some money to the school. If this request had come from any of the other schools I attended while on my journey to getting my bachelor degree I would have thrown it in the recycle bin without a second thought. But the request came from Dixie and anyone who knows me, knows I love, Love, LOVE Dixie. I loved going to school there, I loved the wonderful friends I made, I loved everything about my experience at Dixie. My blog name even got its origin from Dixie. (While attending school in St. George I wrote a monthly article in our family newsletter called Sue’s Fun in the Sun, it just made sense to use that as the title of my blog too.) So I will be donating to the school because I hope through my donation that it can help someone else and that they can have as wonderful experience as I did.
Wow it took them a long time to find you! I don't think I had even walked at graduation before I started getting letters asking me to donate money to BYU.
Sue that's so great you're going to donate money to Dixie. I didn't go to school there, but you sure make it sound like fun.
Did you know that I went to Dixie as well! I loved it down there! Unfortunately I wasn't able to graduate from there but I too have fond memories of fun in the sun.
That's great Sue, Will always says how much he enjoyed Dixie, also. And, funny enough, Will and I recently donated to BYU... without knowing the other one already had! We donated double the pleasure. :)
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