Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July in WY

Last year I had so much fun up at the cabin for the 4th of July with the Beesley Family, that I decided I'd go up again this year. We pretty much did the same stuff as last year, but it was fun then and so we figured it would be fun again this year too, and it was. The weather was a little colder this year so we weren't quite as anxious to get in the water, but everyone still did. The boys went skiing and the girls went tubing. I was very careful and decided a little tube ride for me and the babies would be fun. It wasn't anything wild, I just had them pull me behind the boat for a little bit. (We left the camera at the Cabin that day, so no pictures of all that fun.)
One of my favorite things we did was go on a hike around Half Moon Lake. It was so pretty and because of all the rain, there were a ton of wild flowers. We were going to hike to the river that flows into the lake, but I'd say about a quarter of a mile before we got there the trail was submerged under water, so we called that our stopping point and turned around.

Nick, Zane, Me and Mark hiking on the trail.

Mariah and I at the end of the trail.

We went and played a little golf on Ricochet Golf Course and I was the one to hit it closest to the hole. I think the boys had a better time seeing if they could hit the balls clear down to the lake instead of trying to get a hole in one.

Me showing off my awesome glofing stance.

We played games (a must with the Beesley family) and ate really good food. Pinedale always has a great fireworks so we drove to town to see the show. All in all we had a good time.

Playing Settlers of Catan

Eating a yummy dinner on the porch.


Mariah said...

Good times as always!

Jenny said...

I am glad you had so much fun at the cabin, now... what are you having???? I am so excited for you to find out :)

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that you guys weren't able to have as much fun with out me there. If you guys wish a little harder maybe I'll bless you with my presence next year.

Thekrogwoman said...

Seeing those pictures of good ol' pinedale bring such great memories to mind!! Best place in the world!! I miss it!!