Saturday, March 13, 2010


Caleb is such a good baby. I love having him around. This kid loves to sleep (he gets that from his mom) and he goes down for naps and bedtime so easy. Most of the time we just wrap him up in his blanket put him in his swing or the crib and within a few minutes he will be asleep. The boys sleep about 7-8 hours at night and still take a couple of long naps (2-3 hours) during the day.

Caleb used to be a great eater too, but as of late, he would rather try to talk or look around, then focus on eating, so it usually takes him a while to finish. The boys are eating 6 ounces 5 times a day. During the last two feedings at night we are adding rice cereal. Soon we will start them on baby foods, I'm sure that will be fun and messy. :-) As I said in a previous post Caleb is my talker. He loves to jabber away when he is awake. He doesn't cry much, only when he is hungry or tired, so it is pretty easy to tell what he wants.
Caleb also loves taking a bath.

There isn't a whole lot he doesn't like, besides tummy time. ;-) I'm grateful for that because it makes my job as a mom a lot easier.


Mariah said...

If that is not the cutest tubby time picture than I don't know what is. SO CUTE!

AndersenFamily said...

I love that he is getting some cute little chubs on him. So cute!

Gina said...

I agree with Mariah. Cutest tub picture. I have never heard of putting a Bumbo in the tub. Cool!

Unknown said...

Sue now what did I tell you about letting them grow up... don't let it happen till I get home! He is a cutie though. I love how chubby they are getting.

Thekrogwoman said...

Sue, they are darling! How fun to have two of them. They seem to have different personalities. How fun! You're a great mommy!! K, and you gave me the BEST idea! The bumbo in the bath...why haven't I ever thought of that! Duh, after three, you'd think that I would have thought of that one. I'm doing it tomorrow!! Thanks!