This is the baby bear that lives in our house. He likes to eat, splash around in the water when he takes a bath and he loves to lay on his play mat and look up at all the toys, however he becomes one angry baby bear when he has to go to sleep or take a nap. He howls and cries and just becomes a real bear (pun intended) when he has to go to sleep, which is weird, because from what I know bears usually like to sleep.
While Caleb is our dream sleeper, Owen is not. He fights sleep with all he's got. If there is anything even remotely interesting going on in the house and he can hear it from his room, he will wake up and want to join us. He likes to be in on the action.
For example: A few weeks ago, we had put the boys down for a nap in their bedroom and started playing guitar hero in the family room, after we played a few songs, we hear Owen start to cry. We went in the room to try to get him to sleep again. We tried holding him for a little bit and then giving him his pacifier, but he just kept crying. We didn't want him to wake up Caleb (who had fallen asleep within minutes of being put down I'm sure) so we just brought him out to let him watch us. That is all it took. We laid him on the couch to watch the game and within a few minutes he fell asleep. Oh that silly baby bear.
Owen has recently found his hands and he loves to eat them. I've tasted them and don't think they taste like anything, but they must be good for him, because they are always in his mouth. :-)
As I've said Caleb is our talker, and for the most part Owen will just listen to him jabber when they are both together, but it is funny, when Caleb is sleeping and it is just Owen that is awake. He will sit and talk to himself. He isn't as loud or long winded as Caleb, but he does have stuff to say.
Oh, he is handsome! Happy 5 months to them both.
Such cute little boys!! I think they look like you, Sue...especially Owen. They're getting big...FAST!
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