Sunday, September 16, 2007

10 Year High School Reunion

I attended my 10 Year High School Reunion last night. It was one of those things where I had to go. If I hadn't I would have always wondered what it was like and would have regretted not going. Needless to say after a half an hour of being there, I would have paid someone $50 to take me home. As rude as this may sound, I realized I don’t really care what people from high school are up to. However, give it another 10 years and I will have forgotten what it was like and want to go to the 20 year reunion. I’ll see you then.


The Leithead Family said...

Oh, my goodness Sue. This is absolutely the clincher. I wasn't interested in paying $100+ to hang out with a bunch of people I didn't like well enough to keep in touch with. I'm glad to hear that I will have nothing to regret by skipping my own. Gag.

Wilde Things said...

See, I told you! I'm so glad that I didn't go. So so so glad. You're a good sport. When you and Heather both said you were going I was feeling like maybe I was stupid for not wanting to, but oh yeah, I'm happy for me. I'll remind you in 10 more that you don't want to go.

Teandra said...

That's about how I'm feeling. My 5 year's still years away, but I don't want to go. I couldn't wait to get out of High School while I was in it! Why would I want to go back?