Friday, September 7, 2007

Finishing the Basement

After Mike graduated from college in May I gave him the option of either finishing the basement or putting his accounting degree to good use and getting a job. Since he had quit working to go to school full time his last semester, I thought it would be a great time for him to finish our basement. He wasn’t committed to a job and I thought he could finish the basement and save us a little money by having him do the work and then after he finished he would start working again. Well a few months later with only the duct work and a little framing done we decided it would be easier for Mike to get a job and use that money to pay someone to finish the basement. Had I only known how easy and fast it was, I would have hired someone a long time ago to do it. I made a few calls a couple of weeks ago to get some quotes on framing and I found a company that would do it for $20 an hour per person, which to me seemed like a great deal. We set the date and they came out on today. They brought a group of five guys and you know what, they finished framing in one day. It is so awesome, I left for work in the morning and when I came home the basement was framed. I mean all this time I could have had a crew come out and finish it in one day. Oh well… The company also does drywall so you know I’ll be hiring them again soon.


Thekrogwoman said...

Wow, that's a great deal. Email me with their name and number! I've been flirting with the idea of having our basement framed and that sounds like a great deal!! Good for you!

Michelle Taft said...

I am so jealous what took us (ok Jake) 12 months you got done in 6 hours.