Monday, September 17, 2007

My Man!


I got this from Cassie's blog and thought it was fun.
Mike would have a cow if he found out I was posting all this information about him, but since he never reads my blog I should be ok. :-)

My Man:

1. Who is your man? Michael Stephen Slade

2. How long have you been together? 3 years and 1 month

3. Dating/Engaged/Married? Married

4. How old is your man? 28, same as me.

You or your man?

1. Who eats more? Mike. I can skip a meal and be ok, but he needs to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner or he gets too hungry. However, when he is playing computer games he can go a long time without eating.

2. Who said "I love you" first? Mike did.

3. Who weighs more? Mike and it better always stay that way.

4. Who sings better? Mike. However, I really like to sing, I’m just not that good.
5. Who's Older? Mike, by 37 days.

6. Who's smarter? Mike. I have a terrible memory and can't remember anything, so even if I am smarter I can't remember. :-)

7. Who's temper is worse? Definitely Mike. I'm sugar and spice and everything nice.

8. Who does the laundry? Me, but once in a while Mike will do it too.

9. Who does the dishes? Mike is supposed to do them since I cook, but sometimes they are still in the sink long after dinner is over.

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.

11. Who's feet are bigger? Mike's

12. Who's hair is longer? Mine.

13. Who's better with the computer? That would be Mike.

14. Who mows the lawn? Mike does. He takes care of the outside of the house and we both take care of the inside. (I know I got a good thing going.)

15. Who pays the bills? That would be me.

16. Who cooks dinner? I do on Thursday's. But on Monday's Michelle does, Tuesday's Cassie does and Wednesday's Lindsay does. (I just love dinner group.) We eat left over, go out to eat or try to get an invite from one of our parent's on the other three days.

17. Who drives when you are together? Mike always does.

18. Who pays when you go out to dinner? Again, Mike always does.

19. Who's the most stubborn? Mike.

20. Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? Me.

21. Who’s parents do you see more? That's a toss up. His parents live 15 minutes North of us and my dad lives 15 minutes East of us, so we see all of them a lot.

22. Who kissed who first? Mike kissed me first. I was leaving the next day on a 3 week vacation to China with my family so he had to get a kiss in before I left.

23. Who asked who out? We made a bet and I won, so he had to take me out to dinner. However, I think he knew the answer, but got it wrong on purpose so he could take me out.

24. What did you do? We went out to dinner at Chili's.

25. Who's more sensitive? I am of course. He's a guy, I'm a girl.

26. Who's taller? He is by 6 inches.

27. Who has more friends? I would say we both have about the same amount of friends.

28. Who has more siblings? He has one more sibling than I do. I have 2 brother and 2 sisters. He has 1 sister and 4 brothers. (Note: Mike is the baby of the family.)

29. Who wears the pants in the relationship? I would say I do and I don’t think Mike would disagree. I’m a pretty easy going person, but there are a few things I like to have go my way and I think Mike has learned that things are just easier if he will do what I want.

Ok, now it is your turn to copy and paste the questionnaire. I’d love to learn more about your other half.

1 comment:

Teandra said...

Sue thanks for the good blogging idea. Hope you don't mind me copying it!