1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Middle Name: JANE
J- June and July are two of my favorite months because they are HOT. (I also love August, but it doesn’t start with J.)
A- A Café Rio Salad is one of my favorite meals. (I know, kind of cheating, but technically A, starts with an A.)
N- New Zealand. Where I will be taking my next vacation to see my sister, Mariah, and her husband, Nick, who are living down there.
E- Edward, if only he weren’t a fictional character and I wasn’t already married. (See question 45.)
1. Do you like cheese? Yes. Seriously who doesn’t like cheese?
2. Have you ever been arrested? No
3. Have you ever shot a gun? Yes. Just target practice and clay pigeon shooting.
4. Your favorite song? Don’t really have one.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No, why would I? They are trying to help me feel better and prevent something bad from happening to me.
6. What do you think of when you eat hot dogs? How delicious they are and that I’ll probably have another one.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? I love them all. However I especially like Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Milk with my cereal.
9. Can you do push ups? No, not now. However back when I was in college I couldn’t do push ups either, so I made it a goal of mine to work out so that I could do a real push up, not the girl kind, but a real push up. I think I got to the point where I could do 25 at a time. Ahh the glory days…
10. Is your bathroom clean? Yes. I just deep cleaned it on Friday.
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring. It is gorgeous.
12. Favorite Hobby? Reading, watching anything on TV that is reality, playing games.
13. What are you listening to right now? The humming of the computer.
14. What is the last thing you ate? String Cheese. Refer to questions #1.
15. What one trait do you hate about yourself? I can sometimes be too brash.
16. Middle Name? Jane
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? There is a ton of snow outside. What’s for dinner (Wednesday’s are Lindsay night to cook.) I wonder when Mike will be home.
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought. Gasoline, a car wash and a deck of cards.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. Water, milk, lemonade.
20. Current worry right now? What to make for dinner group tomorrow night.
21. Current hate? Winter. When is it going to be warm already? I really want to wear flip-flops again.
22. Favorite place to be? In my bed or hanging out with friends.
23. How did you bring in the New Year? Went over to our friends, the Taft’s, and played the Wii.
24. What is your quirkiest habit? I asked my husband what my quirkiest habit was and he said I was completely normal. (Thanks Babe.)
25. Name three people who will complete this and return? I’m not sure.
26. How many siblings do you have? 2 sisters, 2 brother
27. Do you own slippers? Yes, they are an essential part of my winter wardrobe.
28. What shirt are you wearing? A Pink sweater.
29. What shampoo do you use? Herbal Essence.
30. Favorite colors? Blue
31. Would you like to be a pirate? No. If pirates sailed around on cruise ships, probably.
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I usually listen to the radio, but any song will do.
33.Favorite female name? I like Sadie and Charlotte.
34. Favorite male name? Don’t really have one.
35. What's in your pockets right now? My cell phone.
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Discussing the word "snap" (like when you say "oh snap," after someone has said something rude) with my sisters via gmail chat. I was laughing out loud.
37. Best bed sheets as a child? I don’t know what this questions means.
38. Worst injury you've ever had? When I was 10 I rode on my bike down a really steep hill and flipped over the handle bars and face planted into the asphalt. I got a black eye and really messed up my nose.
39. When's your birthday? June 29
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 4. I know it’s out of control.
41. Who is your loudest friend? Valerie
42. There is no 42
43. Does someone have a crush on you? I wouldn’t know.
44. Do you wish on shooting stars? No.
45.What is your favorite book ? Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. (I know same as every 14 year old girl out there, but it is sooooo good.) I Love Edward!!!
46.What is your favorite age? Well if I could relive any part of my life so far I would relive my freshman year at college so 18-19.
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? We didn’t have a song at our wedding but the following songs are on our wedding video. Bryan Adams’ When You Love Someone and Karla Bonoff’s Standing Right Next to Me.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Not really sure.
49. What were you doing at 12 am this morning? Chatting with my sister in NZ on gmail. (I love gmail chat.)
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? Guess it is time to wake up.
Nick Barker
Suzanne Andersen
Sally Wilde
Emily Tycksen