I am not one of those girls who make a super big deal out of Valentines Day. However, I do like to feel special. I am also not one of those girls who expect her husband to read her mind. I don't hint around or make suggestions. When I want something from Mike I usually tell him. So, at the beginning of 2008 I gave Mike a list of 5 things I wanted him to do when it came to the holidays, my birthday and our anniversary. The first item on the list had to do with Valentines Day. I told him and I quote, "For Valentines Day I don't need expensive flowers, dinner at a fancy restaurant or yummy candies/chocolates, what I want from you is a sweet note expressing your undying love for me." What I got was a beautiful letter from him telling me why and how much he loved me. It was perfect.

The four other items on the list have to do with my birthday, our anniversary, Christmas and sending me flowers. I was very pleased with how Valentines went so I hope the others go as well. :-)
That's the way to do it. Maybe I'll take notes..
I need to do that for my husband - he definitely needs the help!
What a cute idea Sue! I think letters and notes are so nice to have, they last forever.
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