Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Dinner Group

Dinner Group is by far one of the best things I have ever joined! Basically what it is, is you swap dinner each week. A friend of mine started it with me. She chose Tuesday nights and I took Thursdays. What happens is on your night you are in charge of making a main dish and one side dish and delivering it to the family. I love coming home on Tuesdays and not worrying about rushing around and getting dinner ready, because around 6:00pm it is delivered to my house. Each person makes a serving of four. My husband and I usually have left overs which we love, because we get to eat it for lunch the next day and it has cut back on our eating out budget. Besides those, there are other great benefits too. 1. Instead of running to the grocery store every other day like I used to do, I now go once a week on Wednesdays to pick up the items I need to make my dinners. 2. I have actually started to enjoy cooking. What I do is I set aside time on Wednesday nights (while I'm watching America's Next Top Model of course) to make my dinner. That way when I get home from work on Thursday, all I have to do is put it in the oven or heat it up on the stove. 3. And this is the best part, I get a home cooked meal or have left-overs almost every day of the week and I only have to cook once. I tell everyone I know about it, because I think it is such a great idea and now my cousin and another friend do it too.

3 Yummy Dinners!

1 comment:

Michelle Taft said...

yummy! i never want to cook dinner on thursday again!