Monday, May 14, 2007

Seven Nights in Paris

This was the title of my sister's Fashion Show that took place last Friday night (I was in it, my first model debut and it was totally awesome.) My sister is in a fashion design class at school and for the final assignment she had to assemble a portfolio of all the clothing she had made throughout the year and put on a Fashion Show Extravaganza. Her line of clothing is called Maran (which is also her middle name.) There were 16 girls that participated in the fashion show and out of all those girls, my sister won the category for Most Original and Marketable. I am really proud of her. She did a great job and the clothing she makes is really cute.

My sister, Miss Fashion Diva. She is the designer and seamstress of all the clothing.
Doesn't the look on her face just say, "I'm a model and I don't care."

I saw Paris Hilton wearing this exact outfit last week.
It is going to be very popular this summer.

The Models
From casual to party these outfits can be worn for all occasions.

I'm not claiming to be a model
(pretty obvious from the picture)
just that I had a lot of fun doing it.


The Leithead Family said...

Your sister's stuff looks great! Do you have a more "normal" shot of the dress you wore? I'd like to send a picture to someone. (A recent discussion about cute dress vs. pockets, and I noticed yours.)

I hope you noticed that you were tagged on my blog!

Thekrogwoman said...

K, so my friend was blogsurfing and she wants to buy one of Becca's dresses. Actually two of them. What's her price??